Pitching a Game idea to an Audience

An idea for my game is inspired by SuperMario. This game will keep the same art style from beginning to end. It will be 2D. The game will be named Sea Adventure.

The concept of the game is to collect all of the stars to complete the levels and defeat the SHARK to get the prince from the dungeon that is how yo complete the game. The further you get into the game, the harder the levels become. There is a few bad characters eg; killer seaweed, pufferfish, jellyfish and SHARK.

Image result for killer seaweed

Killer seaweed

Image result for puffer fish


Image result for jellyfish


Image result for meg shark


When in a level you can get power ups to be able to kill the minions easier and faster these items will look like mushrooms here is a photo of what it will look like, This will last 10 seconds 

Image result for cartoon mushrooms

This will help you get through the levels quicker and easier. There is also another item to make you invisible for 30 seconds which is ink from a squid here is a photo of what it might look like,

Image result for cartoon ink

This will help you sneak passed the bad characters, there is another item that can help you through the harder levels that you struggle with the item is a magic wand to cast a spell on all of the terrible charactors to turn them into nice things eg; flowers, mushrooms, dolphins and ink. Here is a photo to show you what it looks like,

Image result for cartoon magic wand

There is another item you can get it is a moon this is to give you more lives this is what it might look like,

Image result for cartoon moon

When you complete the whole game you get an achievement to say that you have got through all of the levels and side quests. You also get a trophy to say that you have beaten the SHARK and retrieve the prince from the SHARKS dungeon. 

Here is a photo of what the prince might look like in my game,

Image result for cartoon prince

The game will start on the beatch with the main character jumping into the ocean and she/he will turn into a mermaid/merman here is a photo to see what he/she might look like,

Image result for cartoon mermaid Image result for cartoon merman


Your character will have five lives to try and complete as many levels as you can but when you lose all your lives you have to wait until they regenerate but you can retreve more live during the levels. 

The age group is 6+ because could be scary for younger children because of the SHARK and other creatures.

The controls are up-down-left-right to move the main character through each level and you have to dodge all of the bad characters.

Kill the bad characters before they kill you if they do you will get sent back to the start of that level

NO SKIPPING LEVELS because you will not get your achievement.

feed back from my peers.

What did you like about the game?                                                                                                They said that they liked the fact that there were different enemies and that the main characters worked together. The dark theme of the game was also praised. I like the different enemies and how there is no specific gender. I also like how the game starts on a beach. I like how you liked the difrent types of enemies, I wanted the main character to have a challenge and make harder to get passed.

What is the unique selling point of this game?                                                                            The game is set underwater and that th echaracters can move on land also.  They likes the different levels. I like how it is all under water and can defeat different enemies with different items and I like the range of different levels. I whanted my main character to be half human half mermaid so he/she has a feel of both worlds.

How would you develop this idea further?                                                                                   Suggestions included develping the games backstory, having traps and hidden rooms and different weaknesses for different enemies. To develop my game even more I could add secret rooms and have traps for the enemies. I like your idea of having secret rooms or extra levels, and having different weaknesses to make the game a little bit harder for the main character.

What were the 3 standout features of this game?                                                                       Killer seaweed, the enemies, the concept. I liked how all of the enemies were all different and had special partsin the game. I wanted a different feal for my game to have unusual enemies to make the game more enjoyable for the players.

Do you feel this game pitch was realistic? Why?                                                                       Some feeback thought it was but some said they thought the number of levels might cause a problem. I think the number of levels because the amount I chose for the game was to meay and I might not have reached my goal.

Final thoughts/feedback                                                                                                                    Comments included: “good concept”, “fun to play” ” good idea but want more from the story” “need to specify if it is 2D or 2.5D” The game is fun to play and is going to be 2.5D to make it stand out to the audience. 






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