Wild West Design

Research the following to get an understanding of what styalised asset means and looks like.

Route 66-overwatch

This game is based on killing people and getting the bomb/satalite to the other defendants base to win the game.

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Why do you think the work looks styalised?

This is more realistic and brightly coloured. The stonework looks chiseled to create a desert look. 

Gravity Falls

In this TV show the twins go to live with their uncle, who lives in Gravity Falls and he knows more about them than themselves.

Related image

Why do you think the work looks styalised?

This does look hand drawn, the characters do not look real. The characters suit their colours as this reflects their personality.

world of warcraft

This is a game the main pont is to kill oter people to level up your caricature and weapons

Related image

Why do you think the work looks styalised?

The colour of the game are bright and vibrant.


See the source image

See the source image

See the source image

First I had to line draw some items from the Wild West such as guns, barrels and a wagon. Then I had to get my fine liner and drew the same items as before. The pro of line drawing is that it is enjoyable and the con is that it can be difficult for some people. The pro for thick drawing is that it is easier to do because you don’t have to keep the pencil on the paper as you are drawing. The con is that with a fine liner is that the pen can smudge as your drawing and can get messy.

First I needed to go onto the internet to collect a couple of images to recreate in photoshop.

See the source image

I started drawing the cowboy boot using the paint brush tool in photoshop to make it look like the original.


Here is the next image which is a horse shoe.

See the source image

I created this in photoshop using the paint brush and the paint bucket tool to recreate the horse shoe.

horse shoe 2

Here is the next image which is a cactus.

See the source image

I created this in photoshop using the paint brush and the paint bucket tool to recreate the cactus.

cactus 2

Here is the next image which is a cowboy hat.

See the source image

I created this in photoshop using the paint brush and the paint bucket tool to recreate the cowboy hat.


Here is the next image which is tumbleweed.

See the source image

I created this in photoshop using the paint brush  tool to recreate the tumbleweed.

tumbleweed 2.PNG

Western Peer Assessment:

Review 1:

There is a good selection of images and from them I can see the theme is Western. The images stand out. I think some of them could have a bit more detail on them.  My favourite is the cactus plant.  I like the hand drawn images, I think that the Gun and Horse are the most successful as they are drawn well.

Review 2:

I like the Hat in the digital images and the Gun in the line drawings. These two pictures will look good as a 3D model.

First I went onto the internet and got an out line of a tombstone then put it into PhotoShop I then put R.I.P on the tombstone. Then I got a concrete texture from the internet I then put it on top of the tombstone. Then I merged the layers together and made the concrete an overlay layer. Then I made it 3D within PhotoShop.


Design 1

See the source image

First I went onto the internet and got a model sheet prop to say what I like about it so I like how it is colourful and it is set out well as you can see 6 different perspective and I would like to recreate this for my own design. I also like the details on the gun and it makes it look realistic.

Design 2

See the source image

 I went onto the internet and got a model sheet prop to say what I like about it so I like how it is colours and it is set out well as you can see 5 different perspective and I would like to recreate this for my own design. I also like the details on the violin and it makes it look realistic.

Design 3

See the source image

I went onto the internet and got a model sheet prop to say what I like about it is not very colourful and it is set out well as you can see 3 different perspective and I might like to recreate this for my own design. I also like the details on the gun and it makes it look realistic but it is showing the basics of the design.

Design 4

See the source image

I went onto the internet and got a model sheet prop to say what I like about was it is colourful and it is set out well as you can see 4 different perspective and I would like to recreate this for my own design. I like the way it is a simple design but you can still tell what it is. I think this would be a good image for me to try because although a horse is complicated this is achievable. 

I liked all the designs I researched 2 and 4 would be hard to do as it has more details then the other two.

See the source image



What do you notice about the work?

The use of dark colours this may indicate evilness. The man on the horse respresents the wild west. The aggressive look is used to create the scene. Many painters have inspired the creator of Red Dead Redemption to use those scenes.

 What do you like or dislike?

I like how it links with the wild west theme. However I don’t like how they have only used 3 colours on the cover. I would have preferred it if they had used a different variety of colours as this would have been more eyecatching. I do like how the horse and the man are kind ofa silohette in the background. This gives us an idea of what is going to happen in the game. In my personal opinion the colours that have been used represent autumn, blood and death as this game was released around Halloween.

How can you use this in your work?

I do like how they used the silohettes and I would like to use this in my work using my own design ie: a cartoon theme. I also like how the main title is the main thing you see, I will use this to attract attetion from people and promote the game.






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